
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Make Up Cheers

Making up a cheer is a process but first you have to start by gathering the lyrics before you put it to motions. Here's how to do it!
1. What Rhymes
Figure out what rhymes with your school's colors or mascots. For examples: White rhymes with fight. Green rhymes with mean. Lion rhymes with tryin')
2. What Goes with Winning?
Add something about standing up, cheering, clapping, stomp, yelling, you know whatever the crowd would do to get loud and cheer on their team in order to win.
(For example: Let's go blue and white, get on your feet and fight, fight, fight)
Picture Provided by Google

3.  Add A Move

You can add a stomp clap in a certain order so it sounds like a beat.
(For example: stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap)
You can do these in between lyrics after giving and order.
Cheer Examples:
Hey Hey it's time to fight
Everybody yell blue and white(or any colors)
Hey hey let's do it again
Everybody yell GO FIGHT WIN
Go, Fight, Win!
Go, Fight, Win!
Let's get fired up
Get rough, get tough, get mean
Let's get fired up
and roll right over that team!
(repeat 3 times)
Hope this helps and gets you inspired to create your own cheers for your team!
A Cheerleader

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