
Monday, August 26, 2013

5 Easy Meals for Team Dinners

On Thursday I will be doing another "Answering Your Questions" post. (This is not a regular Thursday thing, it's just been a while) So be sure to leave all of your questions in the comments below or you can use the contact box on the right of the screen!

When football season rolls around that also means the team dinners do. You'll probably have 12-25 girls in your home for a squad team dinner and it might seem impossible to feed everyone and keep them all happy. Here's 5 super easy meals for team dinners!

#1 Lasagna
Picture from Google Image Search

Everyone loves pasta and instead of boiling hundreds of angel hair noodles for spaghetti you can just serve up a pan or two of lasagna. It can be paired with other appetizers like garlic bread and salad. Sometimes you can even get away with buying a frozen lasagna instead of the traditional one from scratch. It saves money and probably a lot of your time.

#2 Subway Sandwich Platter

Picture from Google Image Search

Sandwiches are so fresh and refreshing. With subway you can make your own sandwich platter for a reasonable price (from experience). It's really easy and saves time to have to prepare a big meal. You can even buy some cookies to go with it for desert!

#3 Pizza


Google Image Search

We're kicking it old school with a traditional slice of pizza. It's so simple that people over look it. There's really absolutely nothing wrong with serving pizza at a time dinner. You don't need a giant fancy meal to satisfy everyone. You can either go to a nearby pizza shop or make it yourself so you can pat yourself on the back.

#4 Thanksgiving Comes Early

Picture from Google Image Search

If you're looking forward to hosting a team dinner to show off your mad cooking skills you can't go wrong with a little ham, potatoes, corn, and carrots. It may take a bit longer to prepare but the outcome will be worth it. You can even pair the meal with some French bread, and salad!

#5 BBQ Style

Google Image Search

If the weather is warm and those gloomy Friday Night Lights don't kick in too fast, there's never a wrong time to have  BBQ when the sun is out. You can serve up some hot dogs and hamburgers with your team's favorite chips. It's a no brainer and will make everyone happy.

Hope all of the meal options helped you make up your mind about what dish you'll be serving at your next team dinner.

A Cheerleader


  1. I lost my sparkly silver bloomers for under my uniform and im too scared to ask my coach to buy me knew ones from varsity clothing, -__-

  2. I have been waiting for you to do another answering of questions! I sent this before but I never got an answer. how do you balance two difent sports

  3. how do I learn howto not be scared when I fly. I want to be a flyer but im afraid my stunt group is going to drop me

  4. is it true that you have to pay an arm and a leg to do cheer?

  5. I have to pick between cheer captain on jv and being on varsity which should I do! help!
