
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Diary of A Cheerleader: Full Circle

Diary of A Cheerleader is usually posted on a Tuesday but due to myself being busy here it is on a Wednesday. The series will continue on it's normal schedule next Tuesday!

Dear Diary,

Our first day of school is coming up fast and it makes me feel as if I did nothing but rehearse the same dance the whole summer...oh wait I kind of did. You know the feeling that happens when your coach wants you to keep practicing and practicing because she thinks it'll help the performance, well it gets to a point where doing the same thing over and over again is only going to hurt it considering by now everyone is just doing it half-ass because we're so sick of it. Don't get me wrong the first performance is going to be awesome because we've worked so hard, but over practicing is just wearing us out.

It also doesn't help that girls like to just not show up to practice "just because." We're a team and if one person is gone it's as if the whole team is gone because a lot of things can't happen without that one person. Formations can't be made. Stunts can't go up. Etc. Etc. Etc. It's super annoying when you want to do something full out and you realize your flyer isn't even at practice. I just think we should sit down and have a little chat or even better just get together and have a team bonding because that's what we really need to do. Bond. Not practice. Bond. We need to trust each other and get to know each other on another level. We need to become a family. We need to be a team.

-A Cheerleader

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