
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

#Cured: Last Cheer 4 A Cure Game

With the last "Go Pink" football game coming up you and your cheer squad probably want to go out with a bang! Here's a few ways to incorporate "pink" or "the cure," into your next game!

#1 One Last Use
Picture from
If you're like my squad then you probably used pink pom poms throughout the month of October! It's time for that one last use. This is a nice touch to keep. (Oh how we'll miss the pink poms)
#2 Run-Throughs
Picture from Google Image Search
You can have themed run throughs. If you haven't tried this idea throughout October it's always nice to add it! You can have slogans like "(School's Name) Goes Pink", "Kick for the Cure", "Ta Ta (Opposing School's Name)", etc. etc. etc.
#3 Survivor
Picture from Google Image Search
Since it's the last "Go Pink" game you could have the announcer tell the names of alumni, or family members of the cheerleaders or football players that have or had cancer effect their family. If the person who had breast cancer is in the audience the cheerleaders could provide them with a nice gift basket of some sort. Make sure you get the person's permission before you do this because it is an extremely personal matter that they might not want everyone to know.
I hope you had a great October full of lots of football, fun, and pink!
A Cheerleader

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