
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Should Your H.S Squad Compete?

Has it really been 21 days since the last post?! Wow time flys when basketball season comes into play but do you know what else a lot of schools are preparing for? Competitions! Is yours? If not here's a few ways to tell if your squad has what it takes to start competing. (Competition usually ends by March so f your squad is thinking about competing it'd be a good idea to register very very soon)

1. Criteria
You want to have a squad that is on the same level as most. This means having solid stunts and pyramids while being able to dance and chant your heart out. It also helps if your squad can tumble especially if your squad is in the Varsity divisions. You don't want a squad that is on a JV level to compete against girls who are solid on Varsity criteria.

2. Practice Makes Perfection
Does your squad have scheduled practices with little complaining and girls who show up? Great! This is a start for kicking your competition careers in gear. Your squad should be motivated and want to be there not have a bunch of girls who make dumb excuses as to why they don't want to come yet still expect to be in the front for everything. Coaches should be able to give an order and your squad performs it to their best ability. In order to compete your squad will need to have longer practices and be able to walk out on the mat confident!

3. Co$t$ and Expen$e$
Competing isn't exactly cheap. Every cheerleader has a fee they they pay which is anywhere from $35-$80 each. Then there is a coaching and squad fee along with buses and hotels if this competition is far. The squad parents and booster board should call together a meeting to talk about a budget and how much will be coming out of your wallet and the board's. If competing isn't in the costs this season then it would be a good idea to start saving up now and maybe cutting back on a few things like extra bows or camp wear in the next uniform package.

4. Dedication
Being a 1st place team isn't going to happen overnight especially if your team has never competed before. It may take a few competitions or seasons before your team is at the rank you want but don't get discouraged because it's not really about winning or losing. It's about the experience,memories, and laughs you experience with your team that is the real trophy!

So if your team is thinking of competing take all of these and more into consideration. Although it may be'll be worth it in the end! Good luck!

A Cheerleader

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