
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kick Full Basket Toss Tutorial

I think we've all seen these beautiful skills during a performance or maybe you've just seen it while watching a video. Whatever the case if you and your stunt group are interested in trying a kick full basket toss then this is the article for you!
Picture from
Directions for the Flyer
Although it may sound rude towards the bases, back spot, and even front spot the flyer is the one who really makes a basket toss. She's the overall image and effect. So as the flyer you need to make sure you hit the kick with perfection and avoid making the toss look sloppy.
1. Set as if you're in a normal basket toss, with your hands on the bases shoulders and your bottom out towards the back spot with the face and chest up.
2. The back spot with now count and the flyer will be tossed up
3. Ride to the highest point with kick your leg straight in front of you (if you're going to turn right kick rick, if you're going to turn left kick left)
4. Right after kick going into full twist with your arms to your side and spin the desired way
5. Once you've twisted catch the bases shoulders and land in the cradle position
*remember you can twist more then once but only do so if you know you have a solid kick and one full twist. also make sure you get enough height or it may result in injury to yourself or one of your stunt group members*
Directions for Bases
You may want to treat this as any of basket toss but it is pretty different from the regular toe touch basket. In order for this skill to be achieved you and your other base need to be tossing as hard as you can in order to give your flyer enough time to kick and twist.
1. Set in regular basket toss position with your left hand grabbing your right wrist or visa versa depending on what side you base.
Picture from
2. Bounce twice down-up then on the second dip throw up
3. Once the flyer hits her skill catch her high to avoid a hard impact and a rough landing
4. Catch in cradle
Directions for Back Spot
1. Set in regular basket toss position with both hands on the bottom of the flyer
2. Go with the bouncing motion of the bases and help throw up, not forward, really try to get under the flyer.
3. Catch in Craddle position
Directions for Front Spot
1. Set in regular basket position putting your hands and forearms under the bases and throwing up.
2. Step back from the cradle or step to one of the bases sides and catch the feet
I hope you get perfection and a cool skill from this tutorial!
A Cheerleader

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