
Monday, August 18, 2014

Dealing with Under Classmen

Summer practices are coming to a close, which means you've been surrounded by your new freshmen team, newbees, or maybe just under classmen. You might be friends already or maybe you're ready to pull your hair out. If that's the case here's a few tips on how to deal with them in the best way possible.

#1 Be Assertive...Not Blunt
You may want to just scream out their flaws or whatever they're doing wrong in front of the whole squad to make a point, but what point will that be making? That you're rude and just another scary upper classmen? Instead say what you need to say in an assertive tone, as if it applies to every one. If there's a girl with noodle motion then try yelling out "Tighten your motions girls" or "Keep it clean!" If this isn't hitting home with that particular girl take her to the side and tell her what to do or offer help. As much as you want to yell at them remember it'll probably cause lack of respect and make things worse.
#2 Stand Tall & Be Relatable
Haven't you noticed that freshmen tend to gravitate towards the cheerleader that knows what she's doing and is easy to talk to. Don't put yourself out there as if you know everything and everyone instead offer advice and even tell your freshman stories. Remind them you're not perfect. So instead of scaring them, you're giving them a role model and someone to look up to as a cheerleader. You can be like a big sister and a potential friend.
#3 You Were Them Once
As much as you hate to admit were them once too. Try to remember what it was like coming into a new high school and having to take on all sorts of new things. Go easy on them as a person but push them to be their best as a cheerleader. Their ultimate goal is to progress and make a higher team so help them reach that goal just like you would have wanted an upper classmen to go for you.
A Cheerleader

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